Macanese legislative election, 2005

Macanese legislative election, 2005

2001 ←
25 September 2005
→ 2009

12 (of the 29) seats in the Legislative Assembly
  Majority party Minority party Third party
Leader Chan Meng Kam Leong Iok Wa António Ng
Alliance Pro-business [[Traditionalists|{{Template: Traditionalists/meta/shortname}}]] Pro-democracy
Seats won 5 4 3
Seat change 1 0 1
Popular vote 49,828 39,121 35,896
Percentage 39.92 31.34 28.75

President before election

Susana Chou

Elected President

Susana Chou

Elections for the Assembleia Legislativa were held in Macau on September 25, 2005.



Politics and government of Macau
Basic Law

Chief Executive
  Fernando Chui Sai On
Executive Council of Macau
  Sec. for Administration & Justice
   • Florinda da Rosa Silva Chan
  Sec. for Economy & Finance
   • Francis Tam
  Sec. for Security
   • Cheong Kuoc Vá
  Sec. for Social Affairs & Culture
   • Cheong U
  Sec. for Transport & Public Works
   • Lau Si Io

Legislative Assembly
  President: Lau Cheok Va
  Vice President: Ho Iat Seng
  First Secretary: Chui Sai Cheong
  Second Secretary: Kou Hoi In

Political parties
Geographical constituency
Functional constituency

Court of Final Appeal
  President: Sam Hou Fai
  Associate Justices:
  Chu Kin
  Virato Manuel Pinheiro de Lima

Government Buildings
  Macau Government Headquarters
  Macau Government House
  Superior Court of Macau Building
  Macau Legislative Assembly Building
  Leal Senado


1996 • 2001 • 2005 • 2009

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e • d Summary of the 25 September 2005 Legislative Assembly of Macau election results
Lists Platforms Votes % Seats
United Citizens Association of Macau
(Associação dos Cidadãos Unidos de Macau) (澳門民聯協進會)
Fujian community 20,695 16.58 2
Alliance for the Development of Macau
(Aliança para Desenvolvimento de Macau) (澳門發展聯盟)
STDM 11,642 9.33 1
General Union for the Good of Macau
(União Geral para O Bem-querer de Macau) (愛澳聯盟)
Pro-business 8,517 6.82 1
Convergence for Development
(Convergência para o Desenvolvimento) (繁榮澳門同盟)
Pro-business 6,079 4.87 1
Vision Macau
(Associação Visão de Macau) (澳門前瞻協進會)
Pro-business 1,973 1.58 0
União dos Trabalhadores dos Jogos de Fortuna e Azar de Macau Gaming industry 922 0.74 0
Pro-business 49,828 39.92 5
Union for Development
(União para o Desenvolvimento) (同心協進會)
Pro-Beijing 16,588 13.29 2
Union for Promoting Progress
(União Promotora para o Progresso) (群力促進會)
Pro-Beijing 11,985 9.60 2
Association for Democracy and Social Well-Being of Macau
(Associação Pela Democracia e Bem-estar Social de Macau) (澳門民主民生協進會)
Pro-democracy 4,356 3.49 0
New Youth of Macau
(Nova Juventude de Macau) (澳門新青年)
Pro-Beijing 3,060 2.45 0
Association for Helping the Community and Engagement with the People
(Associação de Apoio à Comunidade e Proximidade do Povo) (親民愛群協會)
Catholicism 2,941 2.36 0
Associação Direitos dos Cidadãos Pro-Beijing 191 0.15 0
Traditionalists 39,121 31.34 4
New Democratic Macau Association
(Associação Novo Macau Democrático) (民主新澳門)
Pro-democracy 23,472 18.80 2
New Hope
(Nova Esperança) (新希望)
Civil servants 9,973 7.99 1
Por Macau Portuguese community 892 0.71 0
Associação do Activismo para a Democracia Radical pro-democracy 654 0.52 0
União dos Operários Pro-democracy 457 0.37 0
Um Novo Vigor Para Macau Pro-democracy 448 0.36 0
Pro-democracy 35,896 28.75 3
Subtotal (turnout 58.4%) 124,845 100.00 12
Functional constituencies and appointed members
Macau Business Interest Union
(União dos Interesses Empresariais de Macau) (澳門僱主利益聯會) for employers
Employees Association Joint Candidature Commission
(Comissão Conjunta da Candidatura das Associações de Empregados) (僱員團體聯合) for labour
Macau professional Interest Union
(União dos Interesses Profissionais de Macau) (澳門專業利益聯會) special interests
Excellent Culture and Sports Union Association
(Associação União Cultural e Desportiva Excelente) (優裕文康聯合會) charity, culture, education and sport
Members appointed by the Chief Executive 7
Total 29
Direct Election Results (by ticket number)
Ballot no. Party name Votes % of valid votes Seats
1 Por Macau 892 0.71 0
2 UNVM 448 0.36 0
3 ANMD 23472 18.80 2
4 AAD 654 0.52 0
5 NJM 3060 2.45 0
6 UO 457 0.37 0
7 UPP 11985 9.60 2
8 UBM 8517 6.82 1
9 AMD 11642 9.33 1
10 ADBSM 4356 3.49 0
11 AVM 1973 1.58 0
12 UTJM 922 0.74 0
13 CODEM 6079 4.87 1
14 UPD 16588 13.29 2
15 AACPP 2941 2.36 0
16 NE 9973 7.99 1
17 ADDC 191 0.15 0
18 ACUM 20695 16.58 2
Valid votes 124845
Invalid votes 3325
Blank votes 660

Even with a typhoon signal no. 3 issued, the turnout for the direct election was a historic 58.39%. 128,830 people voted out of 220,653. The turnout for the functional constituencies was 61.95%. 2704 people voted.

Election method

Twelve candidates are elected directly using the highest averages method on party lists with divisors of 1,2,4,8 etc. There are 18 party lists, the highest ever, with a total of 125 candidates, also the highest ever. 5 of the lists are related to gambling.

10 candidates are elected by the functional constituencies. The seats are distributed like the directly elected seats. There is one list for each category. There are:

7 seats are appointed by the Chief Executive.

Related events

A candidate (汪長南) was bashed on the head. Police arrested 3 suspects. A reporter was beaten up while investigating a possibly corrupt candidate. The Macao CCAC received 93 complaints.


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